
PTO Erlangen City Tour

We will meet in front of FIS 1 (main school building) on Monday, September 12 at 8:45. The tour will take until about 11:00.
We will set off and return from school. If you come to school by car you can leave it in the school car par.
If you are interested just sign up and we are looking forward to seeing you on September 12. Signing up helps us to manage the number of participants and also to have contact details in case we need to contact you with any other details!

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“how to”@the-fis Coffee Morning

In order to help our new families familiarize themselves with the administrative procedures in place at the FIS and help them navigate with our multiple platforms, we’ll hold a “How to” @ the FIS Coffee Morning on Friday, September 9 from 8:45-10:15 in the FIS Theater.

During this time, we would like to offer some practical information and resources from the school, open a space for asking questions and making new connections.

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