The BOOKBRIDGE team would like to thank everyone who attended the “Auction of Promises” on a very damp and Dark Friday night. We are delighted to announce that we made over 4500 EUR on the night! Many thanks to everyone who supplied “promises”, baked desserts or placed bids. A special thank you to Andrew Walker who was our auctioneer for the night.
We have a few items left over which we would like to give you the opportunity to bid on. We will do this as a silent auction which means that you tell us how much you would like to bid and then the winner will be the person who bids the highest amount before the end of the silent auction at 17:00 on Tuesday, December 18.
The beautiful suede coat is available to view in the Front Office at school.
Please have a look at the items on the attached sheet and if you would like to bid for something please send an email with the following information to :
- Your name
- The item number and brief description
- The amount you would like to pay (we have given an idea of the value and also the minimum bid that we will accept for each item)
The auction will close at 17:00 on Tuesday, December 18 and winner bidders will be informed on the morning of Wednesday, December 19. Payment can be made in cash or by SEPA Mandat. Items will need to be paid for before being picked up from the High School Library.
If you would like further information about this silent auction or BOOKBRIDGE, please contact Mrs. Smith in the High School Library or send her an email via .