Secondary School Music Concert


This past Thursday, December 1, our upper Secondary FIS music students put on a concert. With styles ranging from Classical to Rock to Bolero to Jazz, the audience was treated to an afternoon showcasing our students’ hard work and effort over the past few months.

Performances like these are integral to music classes at the FIS – they are not only an opportunity for our community to see what the students have been working on, but also an important learning experience for our young performers. Performing offers opportunities for students to learn about the value of practice, to hone their skills as musical communicators, and to get inspired by seeing their peers’ skills! A special treat at this concert was the return of an alumna, Rosalie Köster (class of 2022), who delighted us with a surprise performance on the soprano saxophone.

After the concert, the students enjoyed time together as a music community with our traditional pizza party and Kahoot.

Student Reflections

“I liked the range of different genres that were performed and I think overall it was very good – double thumbs up! It was nice to have the opportunity to share what we’re learning, and nice to see how everyone has developed since our last concert.” – Aksh Joshi Grade 9

“It validated my passion for music – I know even more now how much music means to me.” – Alexander Baumann Grade 9

“I was surprised by so many of the performances! There were so many people who I either hadn’t heard before or who had improved so much since the last performance. I was really happy that the work my group put into the piece came together in the end.” – Carson Colangelo Grade 9

“It felt really social; it wasn’t just a formal event for me – there was some audience participation and I really liked hearing the variety of pieces.” – Irmak Lüle Grade 12

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