Dear Students, Parents and Staff of the FIS community,
On January 21, 2025, we held our first Board meeting of this new calendar year.
At this meeting, we went through updates from the Head of School, including enrollment, staffing, and financial stability of the school. We went through financial results through our first quarter of the 2024/2025 school year, and also took time to review and approve the fee schedule for the 2025/2026 school year, which is currently awaiting approval from the local government and will be published as soon as it has been granted. We were excited to hear about the upcoming visit to verify our readiness to evolve to Primary Years Programme (PYP) standards, and identified Board members to meet with the accreditation team during their February visit.
In terms of upcoming events, the FIS Kuratorium will hold a Breakfast Meeting on Wednesday, February 26, for Kuratorium members only.
We also want to remind parents that the Annual General Meeting has been rescheduled to Wednesday, March 12, at 19:00, in the FIS Auditorium, and all parents are welcome to attend. This year’s AGM also includes elections for the Board of Directors for a three-year term. Thank you to all of those parents who already submitted their names to be included in the upcoming election for the five parent representative Board positions, and we will keep it open until end of February to submit your name if you would also like to be included. We will come back to all those standing for election with details in early March in advance of the March 12 AGM.
Lastly, at our January Board meeting, we welcomed a special guest – Michael Sigmund, who has been appointed by Siemens AG to follow Ralf Guntermann as a Board representative for the company, as Ralf has informed the Board that after 20 years as Board chair that he will not stand for re-election.
Best regards,
Jonathan Cavalier
Board Secretary