Thursday, February 21 was International Mother Tongue Day, organized by UNESCO. On this day, fourteen Grade 9 students visited the Adalbert-Stifter-Volkschule near the Markuskirche, with the goal of sharing their home languages with the Elementary School students there. Our students formed three teams, with each team sharing four or five different languages with four different classes. The languages shared were English, French, Dutch, Swedish, Marathi, Kannada, Hungarian, Portuguese and Turkish.
Our Grade 9 students taught the Elementary School students some basic vocabulary, and read aloud a favorite children’s book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, in their home languages. The students at Adalbert-Stifter-Volkschule were also keen to share with our students the different languages they knew! Overall, this was a highly enriching experience which hopefully can be repeated in years to come.
Huge thanks to our volunteers for being great ambassadors of the FIS and sharing your home language: Annika, Arnav, Cem, Daniel, Isabella, Katja, Lily, Lina, Matthew, Melina, Rosalie, Samiye, Sagar and Veerle.
Stephanie Steinberg
Head of Department First Language German
Jessica Davey
Head of Department English as an Additional Language