The newly revised FIS University Admissions Handbook is now available under “Documents” in the High School section. The main audience is Grade 11 and 12, as Grade 11 students are delving deeper into exploring choices and making decisions and Grade 12 students are beginning their application processes. However, this handbook is an essential resource for all stages of the process from looking at career possibilities, to working through the university application process. We encourage you to take the time to read through this together as a family.
A few highlights:
- Responsibilities in the University Admissions Process: Higher Education Advisors, students and parents:
Clarification of roles in the processes - Grade 11 and Grade 12 Higher Education Calendars:
Practical timelines that provide guidance on where students should be each month in their planning - Career Goals and Decisions:
Still not sure what to study? Here are a few starting points to consider - Choosing a University or Other Institution:
How to narrow down the myriad of options; finding the right fit - The Application Process:
Important information on application requirements per country
As the world of university admissions can be at times a bit intimidating, we hope this will provide clarity and insight to your research as a family.
Michelle Ang
HS Counselor and Higher Education Advisor