On Saturday, after three long years, 13 members of the BookBridge@the-fis team came together to sort out books that will be shipped to different learning centers in Mongolia, Cambodia and Sri Lanka. We gathered around in the cafeteria at 10:00 and started the fun process of unpacking, sorting into categories and repacking all the books that have been kindly donated to BookBridge over the past 3 years. By 16:00, we had packed about 4536 out of the 5500 books that we had sorted, leaving around 1000 to pack next time.
During the book sorting, we learnt how to work collaboratively as a team and how to enjoy ourselves in tough and tiring situations. Personally, this was a very new and exciting experience to sort out books that I have never seen or read before. Every time I held a book, I was curious about the story and the mystery and magic behind the covers. I am certain that kids in the learning centers will feel the same way.
If you want to donate your books for a good cause, there will be a book collection that will be held in the FIS in the coming weeks. More information will follow soon.
If you would like to join BookBridge, email or stop by the FIS2 Library to convey your interest. The BookBridgers meet on Wednesdays after school until 16:45.
Janani Karthikeyan
Grade 11 student