School holidays are just a few weeks away! As we reflect on the school year that is about to conclude, we are filled with immense pride and gratitude for the incredible journey we have all embarked upon together.
This school year was the first year back to “normal” school mode. No longer did we need to wear mandatory masks, attend online meetings, or undergo ongoing Covid tests. The resumption of regular school life has been a breath of fresh air, allowing us to fully immerse ourselves in the joy of face-to-face interaction. Our school has once again become a vibrant hub of activity, and we have seen events, concerts, and exhibitions come back.
The FIS successfully attained its objectives, fervently championing the power of home-school partnerships. We understood that such partnerships were more than just involvement or participation, but a two-way mutual commitment that benefited all parties involved, including students, parents, and teachers. Recognizing and celebrating each child’s uniqueness and helping families acknowledge their child’s educational journey was vital, alongside the imperative of homework and activities that fostered thinking and skills. A solid partnership was contingent on the willingness to participate, trust, and positive assumptions from parents and teachers, a process requiring deliberate planning and action.
In Fall 2022, we improved the parent/teacher conferences following a family conference model, where all participants had equal contributions, thereby developing collective goals for students. On the other hand, the Coffee Morning program was relaunched during the school year and served as a casual platform for parents to learn about school policies, discuss their children’s support, and share their views on school initiatives. We have had over 17 Coffee Mornings on as diverse topics as transitioning, positive relationships, G6 to G8 curriculum: Plans for the Future, Peer Relationships: Bullying Response and Intervention, literacy, and handling emotions. These events created opportunities for parents to connect and gain new knowledge, a testament to our firm commitment to fostering a strong home-school partnership.
The introduction of the Duke of Edinburgh International Awards at the FIS marks an exciting milestone in the school’s commitment to holistic education and personal development. This prestigious program aims to empower young individuals by challenging them to develop essential life skills, leadership qualities, and a sense of adventure. Furthermore, we express our heartfelt congratulations to the 19 students who enthusiastically participated in the Bronze Award expedition last weekend. Your determination, teamwork, and resilience during this adventure are commendable, and we look forward to witnessing your continued growth throughout this remarkable journey. We congratulate our teachers Mrs. Steinberg, Mr. Simpson, Mrs. Sharpe, Mr. Almond, Mr. Greener, and Ms. Prest for their dedication and efforts in bringing this opportunity to our students.
Last week, we held the thrilling finals of the Battle of the Books competition. It was a fierce battle of wits and knowledge, showcasing the dedication and love for reading among our students. We wholeheartedly congratulate all the participants and commend their unwavering dedication to literacy. Our librarians are now getting books ready for summer reading. Students from G1 who remain at the FIS may borrow up to 10 books for summer reading from Monday, July 3. Besides the carefully curated selection of books, our librarians are always ready to give specific book recommendations too.
While we eagerly anticipate the official end of the school year, let’s remember that our journey is not over yet. There are still memories to be made, knowledge to be gained, and friendships to be cherished in the remaining days. So, let’s make the most of this “almost there” moment and embrace the last weeks that lie ahead.