AGIS Conference in Hannover


From September 29 to October 2, fifteen FIS colleagues had the pleasure of attending the AGIS (Association of German International Schools) Annual Conference in Hannover. This was the first in person conference since COVID. FIS colleagues presented and attended workshops about Mathematics, Design and ICT, Library, Facility Management and Leadership. Many opportunities presented themselves for building important networks with the 23 AGIS schools.

The purpose of the AGIS organization, as its mission statement suggests, is to connect and share among the learning community that exists within our schools. The organization supports multiple working groups in subject areas, learning support, library services, IB program leadership, school leadership as well as focus groups such as financial and facility management and nurses. AGIS provides financial and organizational support through its website and funding to enable these groups to meet throughout the year. In addition, the AGIS board is responsible for addressing overarching issues such as recognition of our programs with regional and federal government bodies.

The major event in the AGIS calendar is the Annual Conference, consisting of up to 20 full-day focused preconferences and close to 100 workshops run by staff within the AGIS schools during the weekend conference. The entertainment is organized by staff of AGIS schools as well, with the theme of this year’s conference being the Roaring 20’s in celebration of the 20th conference.

Each AGIS conference is connected by a theme that is addressed by a keynote speaker, with Jennifer Abrams as the keynote for this year’s conference. She is an American educational consultant well known for her work on facilitating difficult discussions within teams, resilience building and the construction of emotionally safe working communities. She gave insightful workshops from her latest book ” Stretching your Learning Edges“.

The conference was met with resounding approval, with FIS participants saying that they took away many impulses, ideas, strategies, and perspectives and made meaningful and sustainable professional and social contacts to like-minded colleagues from local schools. In addition, it was a highly enjoyable professional and social event! The next Annual Conference is scheduled for September 2023 in Dresden, with preparation beginning in the late winter.

If you would like to learn more about AGIS please contact , our AGIS school representative.

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