Secondary Student Council


Following a brief few weeks of invigorated campaigning, the student council election process came to an end on September 27, resulting in the formation of the FIS Executive Committee of 2023/24. Voting proved to be quite competitive and the race quite tight in several categories; however, the tallied votes revealed clear winner with the following students making up our Student Council team:

President – Gaby Ibarra (G12)
Vice President – Abhi Iyer (G11)
Secretary – Stanislav Korsunov (G9)
Public Relations Officer – Charmita Vinnakota (G12)
Lead Event Coordinator – Leni Fischer (G11)
Council Historian – Alisa Toporova (G9)

The team is still short of a treasurer and will interview prospective students in coming weeks to determine an appropriate candidate for that role. This will occur in addition to the pursuit of our class representatives as well as adjunct officers, who will focus on developing initiatives to support and enhance holistic programming at the FIS, ranging from diversity and inclusivity pursuits to environmental sustainability.

The team has had several brief opportunities to meet so far, outlining various short-, medium-, and long-term goals for the upcoming school year. Broadly speaking, the secondary student council aims to represent and advocate on behalf of the greater student body in the pursuit of school improvement, greater community cohesion, increased student engagement, and enhanced inclusivity. The students intend to do this by acting as a communication hub between the student body with teachers, administrators, non-teaching staff, parents, as well as other key community members, providing cyclical feedback, and resolving issues as they exist or as they arise. Of course, much time will be spent developing initiatives and events that foster a sense of school spirit and belonging. In coming weeks, expect to see news about seasonal events, such as a Halloween costume contest; however, the Executive Team is also thinking ahead to winter-themed events, undertakings related to cultural identity and appreciation, forthcoming community days, and so on.

Should you wish to contact the student council, please email us at:

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