PTO: Introducing Larissa Wedel, New PTO Secretary


The PTO’s current Secretary, Saskia Schmitt will be relocating to the US with her family over the summer. Saskia has been an integral part of the PTO Executive Board and FIS community over the past few years. Though we are sad to see her go, we wish her and her family all the best in their next adventure! Stepping in for Saskia as Secretary next school year will be Larissa Wedel. The PTO is grateful that Larissa has volunteered to become part of our PTO Executive team and we are looking forward to working with her next school year!

Larissa Wedel EY & Primary School Parent: “Born and raised in Bamberg, I had the opportunity to travel to many different countries around the world. After my studies in Business Administration, I had the chance to live and work on the West Coast of the United States of America with my husband. Having had the opportunity to work with many people from all over the world, my husband and I decided to raise our kids in an international setting and therefore chose the FIS, which is a perfect match for us with their vision, values and community. I have been part of the FIS community since 2021. My daughter will attend Grade 1 and my son EY3. I started participating in the PTO as an EY5 Class Representative during the 2023-2024 school year and I thoroughly enjoyed to help create a strong community, supporting teachers and students as well as parents.

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