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It’s been a busy fortnight in the PA Department!

On Wednesday, November 7, the Grade 12 IB DP (HL) Theater students presented Impressions to a supportive and encouraging audience. Impressions was the culmination of hard work over the past year by the students. For the production, students prepared solo Theater pieces based on their research of specific theater theorists and conventions. Leonie, Daisy, Rhys, Lele, and Alex confidently explored the conventions of Brecht, Artaud, Boal, Adler, and Meisner in their final presentations. Their creativity and thought-provoking ideas shone through on the night. The audience also participated by substantiating their understanding of the students’ work through probing questions put to them by the Theater students about the individual solo pieces.

Thank you and well done, to our Ms. Raine and the Grade 12 Theater students.

Following this on Wednesday, November 14, Words of William showcased the IGCSE Drama students group scripted coursework.  In small groups, students prepared scenes from classic Shakespeare plays, focusing on their acting techniques and understanding of the repertoire. The audience was presented to snippets from such plays as Othello, Macbeth, Twelfth Night, The Tempest, and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. A thoroughly resourceful and authentic experience for all.

Again, thank you to Ms. Raine and Mr. Haug (IGCSE Drama Teachers) and the Grade 10 Drama students.

Congratulations to our IGCSE Drama and IBDP Theater students and teachers on an outstanding fortnight of dramatic presentations full of passion, learning and action.

High School Music Soiree

  • When: Thursday, December 6, at 17:00
  • Where: Theater

You are most welcome to come and join our young musicians presenting their solo and ensemble IGCSE and IB coursework.The performances will begin at 17:00 and should end at approximately 18:30. No need to book your seats and entry to the soiree is free.

Grade 1 to 5 Winter Celebration Performance

The Elementary School students will be holding a Winter Music Concert on Tuesday, December 11 and Wednesday, December 12 at 11:00 on both days. The performance will take place at the school Theater. Detailed information will be coming soon!

Nevann Hardwick
Head of Department Performing Arts

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