Harry Potter Night


The corridors of the school echoed with the whispers of spells and the rustle of robes as students donned their wizarding best for a magical evening inspired by the beloved Harry Potter series.

With the scent of magical potions in the air, our students embarked on an enchanting journey through the mystical corridors of our school. Rumor has it that some even brewed and sampled their own “love potions” – because who says magic can’t be a little mischievous? The night included many rounds of Quidditch, a visit to Ollivanders, and a treasure hunt where hidden secrets and surprises awaited the most intrepid witches and wizards.

The coveted House Cup was awarded to the diligent and united house of Hufflepuff! Just like in the real world, teamwork and attentive listening to instructions proved to be the keys to success. Go, Hufflepuff!

The night was organized as a fundraiser for BookBridge, and in preparation for the student exchange with Mongolia, taking place in March next year. The BookBridge team, which is made up of students from G9 to G12, arranged the whole evening and raised over 1500 Euros from the event. Congratulations to the team!

Until next time, keep the wands ready and the mischief managed!

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