Starting the Year with Stories and Smiles in the Library

Primary, Library

At the start of every school year, our students in EY and Primary school dive into the exciting world of the library, learning how it works and discovering how to care for their borrowed books. From picking out the perfect story to understanding how to treat books with care, they’re building great habits that will stick with them for life. These early library sessions help students feel comfortable and confident in a shared space, creating a sense of respect and responsibility for the community.

Curiosity is at the heart of our library. Students get to explore new genres, uncover fun facts, and follow their own interests through reading. It’s all about sparking excitement and letting them discover the joys of books in their own way.

Here are some fun facts: Right now, over 4,300 books are checked out across FIS libraries! In an average week, about 850 books make their way into the hands of eager readers. And this year’s most popular author so far? Mo Willems! Luckily, our students know to follow the rules and definitely won’t let the pigeon drive off with their library books!

We can’t wait to see where our readers’ adventures take them this year. Enjoy reading!

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