
The Cafeteria at the FIS Offers a Hot Lunch Program with an International and a Vegetarian Option and there is also a FIS Kiosk.

The Cafeteria at the FIS offers a Hot Lunch Program with an international and a vegetarian option. In addition there is also the FIS Kiosk.

General information about the Hot Lunch Program

As students are at school the whole day, the school can have a positive influence on their nutrition and eating habits. A student’s experience of food at school strongly affects how they approach eating a healthy and balanced diet in later life. They also appreciate quality food more if the school demonstrates the importance of good nutrition.

The majority of meals are prepared in the school’s kitchen using both fresh products, such as meat, fruit and vegetables and some convenience products. An external catering company provides additional support when needed.

The menus for the current and the following month are always available on our website.

In accordance with German law (Lebensmittelinformationsverordnung / Allergenkennzeichnung) the 14 main allergens are displayed in written and picture format, if they are part of the food served in the cafeteria on that day.

Although every care is taken in the selection of the ingredients, the risk of cross-contamination with or traces of allergens cannot be completely eliminated and guaranteed.

Hot Lunch trial voucher

Students and parents can test our Hot Lunch program without registering, with our Lunch test vouchers.

Once a semester, a student can purchase a Lunch test voucher in the Cafeteria. The price is EUR 14 for Primary School students and EUR 15.50 for Secondary School students. The voucher includes five Hot Lunch meals at our Cafeteria. Students can choose the lunch dates according to their wishes. The voucher is valid for four weeks, beginning on the date of purchase. Prolongation of this period is not possible.

Cafeteria Kiosk

FIS Kiosk

The on-campus kiosk offers sandwiches, warm snacks, whole-grain items, fruit juices, and daily fresh house-made smoothies and salads with different toppings. We strive to cater for every taste, from old-time favorites to new ideas!

The items are priced between EUR 1 and EUR 5.

Please note: An international or vegetarian meal in the Hot Lunch Program cannot be substituted with a salad or a sandwich.

FIS Kiosk

Cafeteria Kiosk

The on-campus kiosk offers sandwiches, fresh fruit juices, salads with different toppings. We strive to cater for every taste, from old-time favorites to new ideas!

The items are priced between EUR 1 and EUR 5.

Please note: An international or vegetarian meal in the Hot Lunch Program cannot be substituted with a salad or a sandwich.

Origin of our ingredients

Wherever possible, we use locally-sourced products for our meals. These are harvested according to the season, have short transportation routes and therefore are better for health and environment. We also support the local farmers and so do our share to support the local community.

Origin of our ingredients

We almost always use regional products for our meals. They are harvested seasonally and ripe, have short transportation routes and are therefore better in taste as well as for the health and the environment. We also support the local farmers and do our share in keeping up our cultured landscape.

Lunch subscription

The lunch subscription is automatically valid not only for the current school year, but for all subsequent years until we receive your termination. Invoices will be sent each semester.

The prices for the hot lunch option per semester are subject to change on a yearly basis. Currently, the following prices apply:

SectionSchool Year 2024/2025
Primary School365 EUR per semester
Secondary School400 EUR per semester

We would like to emphasize that every parent is very welcome to have a trial lunch in our Cafeteria. The trial lunch is possible on every lunch day. Please inform our Head of Cafeteria, Ms. Doris Düsterbeck (doris.dü), one day ahead, if you want to try our lunch.

Students may join the program by completing the hot lunch form (see below). Changes are possible during the school year but only once per semester. We require written notification of any changes or cancellations of the program by 15th of the month and the change will be effective from the 1st of the following month. For cancellations, please send an email or the Hot Lunch Form to . A reimbursement or invoice will be provided accordingly. Please note that because our lunch fee is averaged over the entire school year, we will always charge you for an entire month.