Lego League Explorer and Challenge Teams

Legos in a nautical scene

First LEGO League Pioneers at FIS: Submerged Challenge

Join the FIS pioneering team in the first LEGO League! This year’s challenge, “Submerged”, invites young innovators to dive deep into ocean exploration. Using LEGO technology and creative thinking, our team will investigate the layers of the ocean, discovering its wonders and challenges, then bring their ideas and solutions to the surface. Together, we’ll navigate the depths and solve real-world problems as we learn, build, and compete!

**Only 6 students from Grades 3-4 and 6 students from Grade 5 will be selected for this exclusive team.

This ASA will run for 2 hours every Friday from 14:00 to 16:00 and runs from January to June.

For this activity, online booking is not available. Parents: Please fill out this APPLICATION FORM with your student by Friday, December 6. 

This ASA is intended to run over 2 ASA seasons: Winter (January-March) and Spring (April-June) for a total of approximately 20 weeks.

You can learn more about this year’s challenge with this VIDEO.

When Fridays, 14:00 to 16:00 (2 hours)
Where 1.022 - Computer Lab
Open to Grades 3 to 5
Students min. 12
Students max. 12
Tutor Ms. Ng and Mr. Mata

€320 - This is a flat rate fee for the double sessions every Friday (usually only one hour) and for the entire 20 weeks (usually 10 weeks) from January to June
**All Lego Kits and Competition Fees Included

• Invoices will be sent to parents by the FIS at the end of June.
• Student absences will not be taken into consideration.