
Playful and creative. We will discover the seasons, get wrapped up in stories and themes, become a tree, a tiger, a warrior. We will become strong, flexible, refreshed and relaxed. Most importantly we will have lots of fun together. The children develop body awareness, they will move, have fun and become centered.

When Thursdays, 15.45 to 16:45
Where EY Gym
Open to Grades 1 to 4
Students min. 6
Students max. 10
Tutor Mrs. Gruenjes

€80 - This fee is a flat rate for the whole season.

• Invoices will be sent to parents by the FIS at the end of the season.
• Student absences will not be taken into consideration.
• In unexpected circumstances, if the instructor provides less than 6 sessions, a proportional refund will be organized.