
Acrobatics and Gymnastics with specialist coach and 3x Olympian.

This gymnastics After School Activity is designed for beginner to intermediate level students. This ASA will challenge students to improve their coordination, balance, acrobatic skills, strength, and confidence. Working in a group of the same ability students will be able to participate at their level, and get individual feedback and one-on-one practice with the coach. Whether it be learning how to do a forward roll or doing a flip in the air, everything is possible with time and practice.

When Thursdays, 15:45 to 17:00
Where Gym 1, Court 1
Open to Grades 3 to 5
Students min. 8
Students max. 12
Tutor Mr. Morris

€80 - This fee is a flat rate for the whole season.

• Invoices will be sent to parents by the FIS at the end of the season.
• Student absences will not be taken into consideration.
• In unexpected circumstances, if the instructor provides less than 6 sessions, a proportional refund will be organized.