Chess Club

Please note: The Spring Season starts on 15 April for the Chess ASAs!

For EY5

Do you want to become a Grandmaster at Chess, like the current world´s number one Magnus Carlsen?  He was only 5 when his father taught him how to play the oldest game in the world.  Chess, a board game of strategic skill for two players, played on a checkered board on which each playing piece is moved according to precise rules. The object is to put the opponent’s king under a direct attack from which escape is impossible.  Checkmate.

We will be breaking down the game into smaller sections, learning one piece each week, how that piece moves, captures and defends.  Playing mini games with the piece we learned.  Working our way up to setting up the entire board and learning how to check your opponent.  This will be a slow and methodical process so that a clear understanding of chess can be understood.

Playing chess increases problem solving skills, improves memory, exercises both sides of the brain, increases creativity, improves patience and concentration not to mention the social interactions and making chess friends for life!

“You may learn much more from a game you lose than from a game you win. You will have to lose hundreds of games before becoming a good player.” – José Raúl Capablanca

For Grade 1 and 2

Human beings have been playing some version of chess for more than 1,400 years. It’s one of the oldest and most widely played games in the world. Chess is so deeply rooted in our lives that individual games—like Bobby Fischer’s victory over Boris Spassky in 1972, or Garry Kasparov’s loss to Deep Blue in 1997—become significant historical milestones.

We will be learning the best strategies for each piece, how that piece is best mastered in the game. Following by learning the best tactics in Checkmating your opponent in the corner of the board.   Checkmate!  Each week completing chess puzzles and quizzes, getting a sticker for a job well done.  Winning Coupons to help you beat your opponents in the mini tournament.  This will require your focus and determination.  Don’t forget, playing chess increases problem solving skills, improves memory, exercises both sides of the brain, increases creativity, improves patience and concentration not to mention the social interactions and making chess friends for life.

“When you see a good move, look for a better one.” – Emanuel Lasker

For Grade 3 to 5

Let’s play one of the oldest games in the world? Chess started nearly 1400 years ago.  Still a popular game to play from young to old, why?  Because it is easy to learn but hard to master, which makes it more interesting and challenging.  From opening strategies, protecting your Queen, castling the King, getting a pawn across the board to promotion too figuring out what your opponents next best move is.  The best part of all, chess is never boring, as repeating the same game is highly unlikely.

We will be taking an in-depth look at Chess. We will focus on tactics to put you on your way to becoming a Chess Master, all 56 of them.  From the special case of Alekhine’s Gun and the windmill, to not getting yourself caught in Zugzwang.  A special focus will be given to learning different checkmate strategies and patterns so that you can be confident to be the tournament ultimate WINNER! Who will be the winner this year? Will it be YOU?

Each week completing chess puzzles and quizzes, getting a sticker for a job well done.  Winning Coupons to help you beat your opponents in the mini tournament.  This will require your focus and determination. Come prepared to be challenged.

“Chess is a war over the board. The object is to crush the opponent’s mind.” – Bobby Fischer

Please note: As the waiting lists for this course for G3-5 have been very long in the past seasons, we have decided to run 2 courses. Both courses are for the same age group with the same content; therefore, we ask you to only sign up for one of them.

When Mondays, 15:45 to 16:45 (EY5)
Wednesdays, 15:45 to 16:45 (G1-2)
Tuesdays, 15:45 to 16:45 (G3-5)
Thursdays, 15:45 to 16:45 (G3-5)
Where Mondays, 1.020
Tuesdays, 2.038
Wednesdays, 2.038
Thursdays, 2.038
Open to EY5 and Grades 1 to 5
Students min. 6
Students max. 12 (G1-5), 6 (EY5)
Tutor Mrs. Malan
Cost €60 - Invoices will be sent to parents by the FIS, absences will not be taken into consideration
€10 - For materials (only G1-5) to be paid directly to the teacher on the first day