Stress Management: Easier Than You Might Think!

Give your brain a break – Nature is the best therapist.

Physical distancing doesn’t mean social distancing. However, it is taking its toll even on the strongest of us. So how do we manage to navigate with a strong mind through these trying times?

The weather forecast seems promising for the weekend, and onward, so hit the trails and invest in some quality time with your family. We are blessed to be living in an area offering some breathtaking landscapes right on our doorstep, so why not pay them a visit. Get a dose of fresh air and soak up some sun to give your immune system a boost.

Did you know that a dose of as little as 10 to 20 minutes sitting or walking in an area of green spaces can have a meaningful impact in reducing stress, anger, anxiety, and in increasing vigor, comfort, positivity, and a sense of feeling refreshed? Why not combine this with some exercise so we get the winning combo for our body and soul. How about spicing this up with your favorite tune? Or a synchronized virtual-workout/walk with your friend?

So give your local forest a try! Pay attention to your surroundings and if lucky you might spot some teenage roe deers hopping around.

Just as important as being outdoors regularly and getting as much fresh air as possible is having a healthy but delicious snack with you!

Why not use the extra time at home we have at the moment and prepare one yourself!

Here is a recipe that was tried, tested and loved!


You will need:

  • A baking dish (20 x 25cm)
  • 4 tablespoons sunflower seeds
  • 50 g oats (fine)
  • 6 dried dates
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon coarse cane sugar
  • 4 tablespoons honey
  • 120ml coconut oil
  1. Line your baking dish with baking paper and preheat oven to 180°C
  2. Roast sunflower seeds and oats separately in a frying pan without oil until fragrant. Careful, they can burn easily. Never take your eyes off and keep stirring! Let them cool down on two plates.
  3. Coarsely grind sunflower seeds.
  4. Pit the dates if necessary and cut into very small cubes.
  5. Mix dates, sunflower seeds, oats, salt, sugar, honey and coconut oil evenly. You should end up with a sticky mixture. Add more oil or honey if needed.
  6. Spoon mixture into your prepared dish and press down firmly. It should be around 2cm thick.
  7. Leave to soak for 10 minutes.
  8. Bake for around 15 minutes. Don’t let it brown too much!
  9. While still warm and in the baking dish, cut into the desired shape of muesli bars or squares with a sharp knife
  10. Leave to cool down completely in the baking dish, otherwise it will fall into crumbs (still delicious in muesli or with yogurt!)
  11. Once completely cooled down, remove from the baking dish and either wrap individually or store in an airtight container.
  12. Enjoy!

This snack is also perfect to bring to school for your morning or afternoon break as it will provide you with lots of energy, fill your hungry stomach and taste delicious! Complete your snack with a piece of your favourite fruit and a bottle of water and you’re ready to go!

Have fun trying and a great weekend!

Keti Ivanovska and Hannah Bauer
School Nurses

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