

IB MYP Info Night

As announced in the FIS Newsletter in June 2016, the FIS will be implementing the International Baccalaureate’s Middle Years Programme (IB MYP) in August 2018 for Grades 6 to 8. The implementation will continue in…
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MUN club attends PAMUN 2017

The FIS MUN club attended Paris Model United Nations (PAMUN) which was held in Paris on Thursday, November 30 to Sunday, December 3. This conference included almost 800 students from schools all over the world. The…
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Politischer Club Tutzing

On November 17, 2017 Grade 11 students Ojas Mandlekar and Leon Staufer (in the picture with Dr. Norbert Lammert, former Bundestagspräsident) and Dr. Hoffmann went to the Politische Club in Tutzing, the last of the three…
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Outdoor Program excursion to Hirschbachtal

On Sunday, October 22, eight students from Grade 8 to 11 completed the Höhenglückssteig Via Ferrata Route in Hirschbachtal, part of the Hersbrucker Schweiz. A Via Ferrata (Klettersteig) is a method of traversing the side…
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