

Grade 8 Trip to Reit im Winkl

Last week, Grade 8 students were in Reit im Winkl for an adventure they won’t soon forget. The group of 41 students and three teachers joined the Camp Adventure Teamers on a variety of activities…
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Fashion Exploratory Students Keep Sewing!

The fashion exploratory students are ready for summer after completing another sewing project! They have sewn a floral printed pair of shorts, using fabric and thread which was generously donated by the FIS parents. With…
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Graduation – Class of 2019

Last week, Grade 12 students donned their caps and gowns and, with their chins up and faces beaming, accepted their certificates at the eleventh Graduation ceremony of the FIS. A huge congratulations to our amazing…
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Periodic Table School Competition

2019 is the International Year of the Periodic Table ( and the Chemistry Department organized a school competition around this amazing theme. The competition ran for 10 weeks where the participants had to answer quite…
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Grade 9 Field Trip to Südtirol

This week, Grade 9 students participated in their grade level residential winter sports field trip in Speikboden, Südtirol, Italy. Chaperoned by five staff members of the FIS, the students spent the week skiing and snowboarding…
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9th Math Day at the FIS

On Thursday, March 14, Pi Day, the FIS proudly hosted 45 students and their teachers for the annual Math Day event in association with the Siemens School Partnership and the Fuerther Mathe Olympiad. Students in…
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Higher Education Day on March 26

The Higher Education Day on March 26, 2019 offers an opportunity to meet universities face to face by interacting with official representatives, alumni and current students. Personal interactions with university representatives allow for immediate personalized…
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