

Thank You for a Great Festival!

From February 13 to 16, 2020, the FIS hosted our very first ISTA Middle School Theater Festival. The event was a huge success, thanks in large part to a wonderfully supportive and enthusiastic community of…
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Grade 10 Bionicum Visit

Grade 10 made a field trip to the Bionicum this month. The Bionicum is a center attached to the Nürnberg Tiergarten where we witnessed different kinds of technology inspired by animals and nature. They had…
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“Oh, the FIS!”

What do we really look forward to at the FIS? If we are somewhere in the world and have encounters which show that we are known far beyond our borders; when someone hears our name…
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Grade 12 in Berlin

The graduating Class of 2020 spent some action-filled, intense days in the buzzing German capital, this week. Prior to the trip, the students had the choice of different thematic strands: “Third Reich”, “Cold War”, “Arts”…
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Middle School Learner Profile Awards 2020

We are pleased to share information about the FIS Middle School awards assembly which will take place on Wednesday, January 22, 2020.  In this assembly, the Middle School will recognize exceptional affective behaviors. The criteria that…
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Thank You from the CAS BookBridge Team!

The BookBridge@the-fis team would like to thank everyone who came to our stall at the Christmas Fair last weekend. We are raising funds for the Student Exchange with Mongolian students, which will take place in…
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FIS High School Drama: Peter Pan

The FIS High School Drama Club invites you to fly away with them for their inaugural performance: a devised version of Peter Pan! Students from Grades 8 to 12 make up both the performing ensemble…
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IB DP Information Night

We invite all Grade 10 parents and students to join us on Tuesday, December 10, 2019, at 19:00 in the FIS Theater. The philosophy, objectives, structure, and requirements of the IB programs will be explained. There will also…
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