

Grade 3 welcomed Alexander von Humbolt

Last week, Grade 3 welcomed Alexander von Humbolt to the class. The IPC topic they are investigating at the moment is “Explorers and Adventurers”. Their focus is on gathering information from simple sources and they…
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Elementary School Talent Show!

Do you know what has been going on this week in Elementary School? We had an amazing talent show celebrating the tenth year of talent! There were twenty-eight acts and forty students participating altogether. Everyone…
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Interactive Art & IT Project

Your child might have participated in an interactive Art and IT project today and may have returned home with a ceramic bird. It is now theirs to keep! Each bird was part of an interactive Art…
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Hemmersbach Virtual Reality days at the FIS

Hemmersbach will conduct Virtual Reality Days at the Franconian International School (FIS) in Erlangen between Tuesday, 21 and Thursday, 23 February. Hemmersbach will provide Grade 5 students the opportunity to dive into virtual reality and…
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Snowmen building @ the FIS

This week the FIS Elementary School Outdoors! ASAP club built snowmen in the courtyard. The children had much fun decorating them with pots, scarfs and carrots. Unfortunately not much of them is left as the…
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