

Early Years learned about jobs

In German, the Early Years children were investigating the different jobs in our Community. They created a police car, a police station and even acted out an accident and emergency scene. All in German of…
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Let’s listen to the woods

On Tuesday, EY5C took their IPC unit Let’s listen to the woods. The children had great fun recording all the different sounds they could hear in the woods and the surrounding area. The best part…
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100th day of school

On Friday, February 23, Grade 1 and Early Years 5 celebrated the 100th day of school by dressing up as if they were 100 years old. They had fun counting objects and sets to 100,…
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Early Years explore!

Over the past few weeks, we have been exploring a few questions in Early Years 3: Have you seen any flowers popping up outside? What do flowers that come out of bulbs look like? How…
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Early Years Outdoor Activity

The Early Years have had lots of fun activities in Outdoor Learning over the past few weeks. The children have been reading The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson and partaking in different learning activities outside. Each…
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World Challenge sleepover

In July 2018, five Grade 10 and 11 students are travelling to Morocco for fourteen days on an expedition lead by British organization World Challenge. While in Morocco, the students will spend a week laboring…
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Design and Programming at the FIS

Many of your children, especially those in Elementary School, probably came home talking about coding and the puzzles they were solving during the “Hour of Code” events last week. “Computer Science Education week” and the…
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Grade 3 shaping up

On Tuesday, November 28, Christian Artz, together with skeleton Stan, came in to speak to the Grade 3 students about the body and staying healthy which is connected to their IPC unit called “Shaping Up”.…
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