

Grade 3 and 5 storytelling

This week, our Grade 3 and 5 students had the chance to listen to Barbara Weigl, a wonderful German storyteller. She came with her VW Beetle and trailer that was part of the scene from…
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Grade 5 Parent Transition Evening

The FIS is inviting all Grade 5 parents to a Parent Transition Night on Tuesday, June 12, 2018, from 18:00 to 19:00, regarding transition from Grade 5 in the Elementary School to Grade 6 in…
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Early Years market

This week was the first of many Early Years markets. After weeks of tending to various vegetables, the lettuce and radishes were ready for harvesting. The children helped to cultivate and wrap the produce then…
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Flowers and insects

How do you plant a seed? What does a bean seed need to grow best? Early Years 5 students were asked this question as part of their unit of inquiry into “Flowers and Insects.” They…
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Chicks hatching at the FIS

For three days, children from Early Years and Elementary School were able to watch baby chicks hatch live at the FIS. Classes came and visited a little incubator that held the eggs and were able…
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Spring Parent Teacher Conferences

The Early Years and Elementary School Spring Parent Teacher Conferences (PTC) will take place on April 25, from 8:30 to 17:00. You have already received two e-mails in the past couple of weeks, here you…
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“Changes” in Early Years

The children in Early Years 4 have been learning about Changes as part of their IPC (International Primary Curriculum) topic. Before Spring Break, we planted tomatoes, cucumbers and potatoes. We were so surprised to see how much they…
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Grade 1H explored the Amazon

Over the past week, we have explored the different kinds plants grow in the Amazon and why they can grow there. We wanted to know more about the plants we would see in the Amazon…
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