

Grade 1 Visited a Farm

As Grade 1 continues to explore answering their questions about food, naturally they visited a farm to use a great resource, an expert. There they learned many things that can only be expressed in their…
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St. Martin’s Parade

It is a tradition in Germany to celebrate St. Martin. As an international school located in Germany, we would like to give all families the opportunity to experience German celebrations that have been around for…
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Book Fair

On Thursday, October 25, Becky Holmes will host an Usborne book fair at school during Elementary and Early Years Parent-Teacher Conferences. You will be able to find her in the Aula. Becky is a local…
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Grade 1 Explores Food

Grade 1’s are exploring how to answer questions using the inquiry cycle as well as healthy food. So far the Grade 1 students have realized they need to first ask a question and then they…
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Tuesday’s Treasure Hunt

Grade 3’s new IPC Unit is all about treasure. The students worked in groups to find clues and puzzle pieces around the school. They connected the pieces and discovered what the new unit would be…
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Grade 2 Discovered Downtown Erlangen

Grade Two took their first field trip to the lovely downtown Erlangen for our entry point for ‘Living Together’. The students were able to observe various places in the town, workers and talk about how…
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Grade 3 visited a German School

On Wednesday, Grade 3 visited a German school in Fürth. We were looking for similarities and differences in the learning environments. We found that we both have a gym. We both have an aula for assemblies.…
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Milepost 1 learns about the Brain

How do we learn best? To kick off the start of inquiring into our brain and how we learn best, the Milepost 1 classes had a morning full of activities to get the students excited…
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Living things sensational senses

We are learning about how living things experience the world around them. We have learned through research that living things have different senses. For example, bees smell through their antena, venus fly traps sense touch,…
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