
PTO Tour to Puma

Join the PTO for a tour of Puma on Tuesday, March 19! The PTO has organized a private tour of the Puma Headquarters in Herzogenaurach. For more information and to sign up please click here.


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Coffee Morning – Learning Big Cat in Grade 1 – Grade 3

All 1-3 grade parents are invited to learn more about how they can help their child to read at home through our Big Cat home reading program. This coffee morning will be led by Andy Piehler our Leader for Learning Big Cat. You will have an opportunity to look at resources the school has, learn how to support prosody, fluency and comprehension and have your questions answered.

Date: Thursday, February 29
Time: 8:40 – 9:35
Location: Conference Room

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Coffee Morning – Learning Big Cat in Early Years

Early Years parents are invited to learn more about how they can help their child to read at home through our new Big Cat home reading program. This coffee morning will be led by Andy Piehler, our Leader for Learning Big Cat. You will have an opportunity to look at resources the school has, learn how to support prosody, fluency and comprehension and have your questions answered.

Date: Thursday, February 1
Time: 8:40 – 9:35
Location: Conference Room

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