
Cross-country skiing, organized by PTO

This activity is planned for Wednesday, February 13. In case of bad weather, it will be postponed to Thursday, February 21.
A day of fun in the snow at the Ochsenkopf in the Fichtelgebirge. Ski rental and lessons are available. We will meet in front of the school at 8:30 and carpool.
If you would like to join, please sign up by sending an email to .
Cost: 15 Euro, ski rental is not included in this price.
Do you like snow and a bit of action? Then do not miss out on this event!

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EY Winter Assembly

PTO will also be selling coffee and Lebkuchen before the EY Winter Assembly on December 13. This time they will be offering it next to the reception area from 8:30-9:00. This is to give parents an opportunity to bridge the time between drop off and the time the assembly begins.

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St. Martin Walk

The PTO plans a “Sankt Martinszug” with songs and lanterns around the Röthelheimpark neighborhood accompanied by the parents on Thursday, November 8 at 16:30. A traditional festivity in Germany about sharing and caring. There will be a St. Martin’s play in front of the FIS before the parade starts. The PTO will also offer snacks, drinks, St Martin’s “Wecken”, “Glühwein” & “Kinderpunsch”. All Early Years and Elementary School kids and parents are welcome to join!

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EE Celebration and Presentation

Grade 12 students proudly present their Extended Essays which are the culmination of nine months of research and investigation. All Grade 11 and 12 students will be off timetable during P6 on Wednesday so that they, and their teachers can come to the Aula and talk to the Grade 12s about their essays and the research process. High School parents are also welcome to join and find out more information about this core element of the IBDP programme. Refreshments will be provided.

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