Posts by Tanya Bindra


FIS Office Hours – Spring Break

The school office will be closed during the Spring Break from Monday, April 15 until Friday, April 26. Our regular office hours (8:00 – 17:00) will resume on Monday, April 29. Karine Chaveriat Office Coordinator
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Class of 2019 Connects with Class of 2030!

The Grade 12 students hosted the Grade 1s for a meet-and-greet to make a connection, talk life and de-stress at this turning point in their lives. Students were giving advice on how to relax during their “Big Test”.

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The Early Years Farmers’ Market

Over the past few weeks, the Early Years children have been combining their Outdoor Learning classes with Grade 3. Together, we have been concentrating on our “Service Learning”. We have decided to organize a farmers’…
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Periodic Table School Competition

2019 is the International Year of the Periodic Table ( and the Chemistry Department organized a school competition around this amazing theme. The competition ran for 10 weeks where the participants had to answer quite…
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Grade 9 Field Trip to Südtirol

This week, Grade 9 students participated in their grade level residential winter sports field trip in Speikboden, Südtirol, Italy. Chaperoned by five staff members of the FIS, the students spent the week skiing and snowboarding…
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Grade 2 “Holi” Celebrations

Last week, children in Grade 2 celebrated the festival “Holi”. Each class was very lucky to be supported by parents who taught the children in the class about the meaning of the festival and shared…
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