Posts by matthias


Office hours during summer break

During the summer break, the school office will be open as follow: Monday, July 9 until Friday, July 20 – open from 9:00 to 12:00 Monday, July 23 until Friday, 3 August – closed Monday,…
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FIS International Fair 2018

The FIS International Fair will be held on Saturday, June 23. We start at 10:00, with loads of Farmyard Fun! Our beekeeper, Helmut Klier will have beekeeping suits for children to wear and there will be live bees to observe. Have you ever…
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MYP Mathematics in action

This week, the Grade 7 students hosted an MYP Mathematics Global Village Statistics Fair in the Aula on June 14. The teachers and the Middle School Librarian supported students as they researched global data and…
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Middle School Learner Profile awards

We are pleased to share information about the Middle School Awards Assembly which will take place on Tuesday, July 3. In this Assembly, the Middle School will recognize exceptional affective behaviors. The criteria that were…
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CAS celebration

Tuesday, June 12, was the annual CAS celebration where our Grade 10 students became excellent role models for the Grade 8 and 9 students. Throughout the past two years, these students have actively engaged in…
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Grade 3 and 5 storytelling

This week, our Grade 3 and 5 students had the chance to listen to Barbara Weigl, a wonderful German storyteller. She came with her VW Beetle and trailer that was part of the scene from…
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Raising environmental awareness through design

Tonight, Friday, June 8, Grade 6 and 7 Design Exploratory students will be displaying their latest project to the community. This continues the Bridging Arts “What Remains?” theme the class has been working on along with their earlier “Figures From…
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GISST Track and Field Tournament

Today, the GISST Track and Field Tournament that our school is hosting, has officially started. We are joined by teams from the Berlin Brandenburg International School, the International School of Frankfurt, the International School Stuttgart…
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