Posts by matthias


New GISST schedules for SY 2018/2019

GISST Tournament schedule 2018/2019 Please find the GISST Tournament and Training schedule for the upcoming school year 2018/2019 below. End of the GISST season 2017/2018 With 296 student participants and 33 coaches involved in the…
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Living things sensational senses

We are learning about how living things experience the world around them. We have learned through research that living things have different senses. For example, bees smell through their antena, venus fly traps sense touch,…
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School Lunch Coaching – Summary

During the course of this school year, a group of teachers, parents, cafeteria staff, admin staff and the school nurse has been focusing on the FIS school lunch. We had been fortunate enough to be…
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Buddy families at the FIS

Dear Parents, The PTO Welcome Committee would like to have you as a Buddy Family! The idea is for you to offer your help to newcomers if needed. When a new family arrives at the…
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Admin trip to the Schwarzachklamm

On Thursday, June 21, the Admin team went on a teambuilding at the Schwarzachklamm in Schwarzenbruck. The beautiful weather allowed us to spend the afternoon outdoors, hiking through the forest and relaxing in the Biergarten.…
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Summer Sports Camp

This is the last call for all students who are currently in Early Years 4 to Grade 7 and interested in joining the Summer Sports Camp 2018. Please register via the Parent Portal or send an…
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