Posts by matthias


Tuesday’s Treasure Hunt

Grade 3’s new IPC Unit is all about treasure. The students worked in groups to find clues and puzzle pieces around the school. They connected the pieces and discovered what the new unit would be…
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Grade 2 Discovered Downtown Erlangen

Grade Two took their first field trip to the lovely downtown Erlangen for our entry point for ‘Living Together’. The students were able to observe various places in the town, workers and talk about how…
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School Lunch

The food and drinks served and sold in the cafeteria and the Kiosk contain as little sugar as possible. However, we do observe that students who bring in their own lunch from home are often…
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Welcome Committee’s Upcoming Events

Biergarten and Cocktail Night On Friday, September 21, at 19:30, we are organizing a ‘Biergarten and Cocktail Night’ at Steinbach Brau. Don’t miss the opportunity to discover a nice place to have lunch or dinner in…
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ASA Registration Deadline Postponed

The registration deadline for the After School Activity Program has been postponed to Monday, September 17 at 9:00. Registrations can be made via the Parent Portal. The following activities might be canceled if there are not…
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GISST Friendlies at the FIS

The FIS is hosting the U14 Boys and Girls Football and Varsity Boys and Girls Volleyball Friendlies on September 22. We need your help to provide refreshments for the athletes, coaches, helpers, referees, and spectators during the…
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Grade 3 visited a German School

On Wednesday, Grade 3 visited a German school in Fürth. We were looking for similarities and differences in the learning environments. We found that we both have a gym. We both have an aula for assemblies.…
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Welcome Back to School Potluck

The PTO  would like to invite you and your family to meet other FIS parents and children in an informal and leisurely way at our Welcome Back Potluck on Saturday, September 8, from 12:00 to 15:00! Bring along…
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High School Parent Info Night

On Tuesday, September 11, the High School will open its doors for the annual Parent Info Evening. The evening is designed to give parents of students in High School the opportunity of meeting their child’s teachers…
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Milepost 1 learns about the Brain

How do we learn best? To kick off the start of inquiring into our brain and how we learn best, the Milepost 1 classes had a morning full of activities to get the students excited…
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