Posts by matthias


We Need Your Support!

GISST Football Tournaments This weekend our Varsity Football teams are in action! The girls are playing at the Berlin International School, and the boys in München at the Bavarian International School. One week later, from…
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German Infection Protection Act

In accordance with the German Infection Protection Act §34, we urge you to read the following document from the Robert Koch Institut. The purpose of this law is to protect all children and members of…
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Home Language Storytelling Initiative

The Elementary School English as an Additional Language (EAL) team and Librarians are leading a home language storytelling initiative this year! What’s the purpose? A sustained celebration of linguistic diversity and multilingualism in the FIS…
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Lost and Found

The “Lost and Found“ wardrobe will be cleared soon after the fall break. If you are missing some of your child’s belongings (clothes, lunch boxes, etc.), please have a look as all remaining items will…
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Upcoming Drama and Music Performances

Until winter break, we have got some drama and music performances in store for you. The students have been working extremely hard and look forward to welcoming you on one of the following evenings. Impressions…
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Drama and Music Students in London

Drama and Music students have had a fantastic variety of authentic learning experiences throughout the first term. The Grade 10 Arts Trip to London afforded the Music students to be treated to an array of…
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After School Instrumental Program

Participation in music has long been recognized as a way for students to try to master new and challenging skills, build friendships with their peers, be creative and enhance their personal confidence through public performance.…
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PTO Coffee Morning

All parents are cordially invited to the next coffee morning at Mr. Bleck (opposite the FIS, on the corner of the street), on Friday, November 9, from 8:30. A good opportunity to meet other parents, ask questions, get…
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Grade 1 Visited a Farm

As Grade 1 continues to explore answering their questions about food, naturally they visited a farm to use a great resource, an expert. There they learned many things that can only be expressed in their…
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