Posts by Claudia Walters

School holidays are just a few weeks away! We can already sense the collective anticipation of well-deserved rest and relaxation. As we reflect on the school year that is about to conclude, we are filled with immense pride and gratitude for the incredible journey we have all embarked upon together.

Head of School

Almost There!

School holidays are just a few weeks away! We can already sense the collective anticipation of well-deserved rest and relaxation. As we reflect on the school year that is about to conclude, we are filled with immense pride and gratitude for the incredible journey we have all embarked upon together.

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Summer Reading

Attention all readers! Are you ready for summer reading? Are you returning to the FIS in August 2023? The FIS Libraries invite students in G1 and above to borrow books over the summer break!

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Healthy Transitions

As the 2022/2023 school year comes to a close at the FIS, many members of the community are preparing for goodbyes – some because we’re off to new adventures in new places, and others, because we’re saying farewell to leaving friends and classmates.

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G9 German Language and Literature Students Explore Social Issues with Joachim Herrmann, MP and Minister of the Interior

On June 5, our German LangLit students enjoyed a special visit as a follow-up to their tour of the Bavarian parliament in May. Joachim Herrmann, MP in the Landtag (the Bavarian parliament), and minister of the interior of Bavaria (Staatsminister des Innern, für Sport und Integration), paid a visit to the FIS to attend a Q&A session with our students.

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Staff Appreciation Day, June 13

Our staff appreciation lunch is a time when the school community comes together to express their gratitude for the efforts and dedication of the school’s staff members. A huge thank you to all parents and the PTO for organizing the event!

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FISCast Episode 5

In this next rendition of the FIScast, Mr. H and Mr. Chambers have the legendary Isobel and stellar Gabi (returning to the show due to high demand!) as guests. They share their insights into the…
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