Arts and Crafts

Paint tray and child painting

Students will explore a variety of simple and exciting art projects, including painting, drawing, crafting, and sculpting. They’ll also dive into creative recycled toy projects, try their hand at origami, and much more!

When Wednesdays, 15:45 to 16:45
Where 2.028
Open to EY5 to Grade 2
Students min. 6
Students max. 10
Tutor Ms. Cavazotti

€60 - This fee is a flat rate for the whole season.
€10 - Materials to be paid directly to the teacher on the first day.

• Invoices will be sent to parents by the FIS at the end of the season.
• Student absences will not be taken into consideration.
• In unexpected circumstances, if the instructor provides less than 6 sessions, a proportional refund will be organized.